
Vermecilli Kheer cum dessert


Vermecilli Kheer cum dessert

  • 1 packet of Milletable Millet Vermicelli

    1 liter of milk

    1/2 cup of sugar (adjust to taste)

    A pinch of cardamom powder for flavor

    A pinch of saffron strands for color and aroma (optional)

    2 tablespoons of ghee (clarified butter)

    A handful of chopped nuts (cashews, almonds, pistachios)

    Raisins for garnish

    Fresh grated coconut for garnish (optional)

    Edible rose petals for garnish (optional)

  • 1. Boil enough water and add the Milletable Millet Vermicelli to it. Cook for 3-4 minutes or until it becomes soft but not mushy. Drain, rinse under cold water, and set aside.In a heavy-bottomed pan, bring 1 litre of milk to a boil.

    2. Add the cooked Milletable Millet Vermicelli to the boiling milk. Stir gently and let it simmer on low heat.Add sugar to the simmering milk and vermicelli. Stir well to combine.Add a pinch of cardamom powder and saffron strands (if using) for flavor and aroma.In a separate small pan, heat ghee. Add the chopped nuts and sauté until they turn golden brown.Add the sautéed nuts and raisins to the simmering kheer. Reserve a few for garnish.Let the kheer simmer on low heat for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally until it thickens to your desired consistency.Garnish the Millet Vermicelli Kheer with the reserved nuts, raisins, fresh grated coconut, and edible rose petals if desired.

    3. Serve the Millet Vermicelli Kheer hot or chilled, as per your preference. Enjoy this delightful dessert!

    4. This Millet Vermicelli Kheer is a creamy and aromatic dessert that's perfect for special occasions or as a sweet treat anytime. Adjust the sugar quantity to suit your taste.

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